Group Exercise 

Ready, set... reinvigorate! 

In this exercise, you’ll aim to unlock the collective potential for a more engaged and harmonious team experience. Just imagine: if you know what each of you like and dislike, you can collaborate on strategies to a more fulfilling professional life! Ready to craft your jobs? 

What you’ll need: sticky notes in two colours, pens and paper for taking notes. 

Group Exercise

First, individually reflect on your current role and identify one aspect that brings fulfilment – along with one that could be better. Write these down on colour-coded sticky notes (say, green for the ‘good’ stuff and yellow for the ‘not-so-great'). 

Suggestion: Use sentence starters like ‘I don’t like when I have to...’ and ‘I love when I get to...’  

Reflect on Your Current Role 

Group Exercise

Identify energising and de-energising tasks by placing the sticky notes on a wall or whiteboard. Start with the dislikes so that you end the brainstorm on a positive note!

Together, group the sticky notes into categories (for example: organisational tasks, admin, group work, etc.). You may see some categories with both colours of sticky-notes! 

Discuss as a Group 

Group Exercise

Next, brainstorm small changes that could pump up the joy and diminish the drudgery. Think creatively! Consider small and practical changes. Use these questions: 

  • Did people find solutions for each other? 

  • Do any of the proposed solutions work for more than one problem area?  

By crafting your own job, you not only contribute to your professional satisfaction, you also pave the way for a more engaging and tailored work environment – a win for the whole team! 

Brainstorm Possible Solutions